Strange shadow
I was at the kitchen of my house. It has a large window to see from outside. It had a door that leads directly into a yard. It was midnight already. Then, after a few seconds, I noticed an shadow walk from a wall in the yard. It moved slowly.
There was no signal of any person that could proyect the shadow.
When it reached the end of the yard, it disappeared. The wall in which it walked was to the right side.
I was shocked. I couldn't move. I was staring at the wall where the shadow walked.
After that day, it never appeared again.
My Ghost Encounter
When I was a young boy me and my mom were leaving the hospital from a doctor visit when I saw someone behind us so I opened the door for them but they disappeared. He was literally 3 Feet away when I went to open the door. After that I believed in the paranormal. Because originally I thought it was all Smoke and Mirrors but not anymore. Now I believe in Ghosts and the Paranormal in general.
There's no way this is the little wiki I started, is it? It used to be called the Haunting Wiki, if I'm correct. I recall it being removed, actually. I requested it to be brought bakc and I wasn't getting luck so I forgot about it. And now, everything looks amazing and the wiki is under management. Was I just brought here by a link mix-up or something?
- Hiya!!! Yes this was the Haunting Wiki. It was abandoned like a ghost house, so i tried to blow some new life into it. You laid all the ground work. Couldnt have been done without you. Jsosa (talk) 17:37, July 13, 2019 (UTC)
WTF!! Update
Well, things have been happening more frequently as of late. In the small hours of 01/10/11, around 2 AM, I was confronted by an apparition kneeling right next to my bed. It was, I believe, a male, but the general appearance was not clear enough to make a positive distinction. The night before, something leaned into my field of view within 2 feet of my head. As with most of these events, it disappeared shortly afterward. All of these events occur while I'm either asleep, or on the verge of sleeping. I open my eyes, and these things are there looking at me. My sister says they're merely figments of my imagination, but I've never noticed so many 'figments' before.